The  geographic  position

The Locus amoenus "Ktirakia" is located in the central south of the Greek peninsula Peloponnese, in the local area of Mavrovouni near the picturesque port town of Gythio.

Google coordinates:

Latitude: 36.739720
Longitude: 22.556470

GPS coordinates:

Latitude: N +36° 44' 22.99"
Longitude: E +22° 33' 23.29" 

Access  options

You can to travel by plane to Athens and by rental car, which can be booked online. An average flight time of 2.5 - 3 hours is estimated for direct flights from Central Europe.
Estimated travel time for the approx. 300 km long route from the airport to Gythio is approx. 3.5 to 4 hours, with around half of the journey (to Tripoli) being made up of the motorway and expressway (alternatively also the motorway to Sparti) and further up to Gythio consists of well-developed country roads with very little traffic overall.
There are also direct flights from some European airports to Kalamata, which is a two-hour drive from us.


As an alternative to flying, you can of course also travel via Italy in your own car.

The best way to do this is to use one of the possible ferry connections - either from Venice or from Ancona - with the destination port either Igoumenitsa or Patras. Estimated travel time for the 580 km long route from Igoumenitsa is approx. 6 hours or from Patras via Tripoli to Gythio approx. 3.5 hours. As already described above, a large part of the route is freeway either to Sparti and from there a well-developed country road leads to Gythio.


Mavrovouni Ktirakia
23200 Gythio 
Laconia of Greece   

Contact data:

Landline: +30 27330 24585 
Mobile: +30 6978 062353


Gythio town
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